Handheld Emergency Response Option
In times of civil unrest, the protection of officers and innocent civilians during riots or other non-deadly situations is not a simple task. Currently, officers must carry and draw multiple equipment options when faced with these non-deadly situations, increasing both cost, training time, and the chance of equipment failure. The most used option is a baton, the standard design of which is long, unergonomic, and puts the user at a disadvantage during close conflicts. When used with a flashlight or deterrent spray, the combo requires both hands, preventing the officer from quickly switching out equipment if the situation arises.
An emerging leader in professional security solutions contacted Synectic to develop a family of batons that would allow officers to defend themselves more quickly and safely while performing their duties. The batons would need to be made of a single plastic piece, allowing the user to operate with one hand and ensuring it would not slip from their grip during use. The company also requested a universal holster for easy access. To tackle the project, Synectic assembled an interdisciplinary team of electronic, industrial, and mechanical engineers who:
Designed three models of batons: a baton, a baton with a flashlight, and a baton with a flashlight and deterrent spray.
Incorporated ergonomic finger holds and grip that accommodated both male and female hands and prevented the baton from slipping during use.
Performed extensive research to find a rugged, lightweight material that could withstand excessive force when striking or being struck.
Wrote and performed testing protocols to test the material against real-world conditions.
Developed end caps for the flashlight and deterrent spray, preventing them from accidentally activating during everyday use.
Refined the design for manufacturing, optimized it for molding and assembly, and implemented cost-reduction features.
Created a universal holster to fit on an officer’s belt, allowing easy access.